European projet REMEMCHILD (2022-2024)

European projet REMEMCHILD (2022-2024)

Below, you find the videos documenting the interdisciplinary art-workshop which Roman led for students of the Lycée professionnel François Cevert as part of the European project REMEMCHILD - on behalf of the French memorial La Maison d’Izieu,

A detailed presentation of "The MATRIX-Method – Metaphor X", Roman's artistic-interdisciplinary workshop approach: Workshops | Pedagogic Portfolio (PDF)

VIDEO I: Day 1 – Visit of the memorial – Artistic research


VIDEO II: « Les enfants du rétroviseur » by Ibrahim Babi



A potpourri of the other artworks created during the workshop:


"Project objectives: REMEMCHILD is a European project which aims at tracing the experiences and memories of children during wartime, with a particular focus on the Second World War and the immediate post-war period, in Western and Eastern Europe, in countries that were occupied (and/or collaborated) and then liberated by the Allies.

Children were the most vulnerable during this conflict, particularly Jewish and Gypsy children – victims of genocide –, children with disabilities – mistreated and on whom experiments were carried out –, and children involved in the resistance. The Second World War had other consequences for them as internees, displaced persons, refugees and orphans.

The aim of this project is to retrace, pass on and preserve the memories of these children – and the women who looked after and protected them – to combat revisionism and Holocaust denial, and to prevent anti-Semitism, racism and xenophobia, to defend and promote the values of the European Union, such as solidarity and equality, to disseminate all actions leading to the construction of democratic societies, to improve child protection and gender policies, and to emphasise the importance of intergenerational and transnational peace and of the dialogue of memory.

The European partners: Spain, France, the Netherlands and Italy are the countries directly involved in this project. However, European partners such as ICMEMO, EuroClio and EUROM have also been involved, contributing their experience and networks for better dissemination throughout the European Union. The project partners are: EUROM (European Observatory on Memories), the University of Barcelona, the Fossoli Foundation, EuroClio (Inspiring History and Citizenship Educators), the Guernica Peace Museum, UNED in Madrid (National University of Distance Education), the University of King Juan Carlos, ICMEMO (International Committee of Memorial Museums in remembrance of the victims of public crimes) and the memorial Maison d'Izieu.”

extract from the press release issued by the Memorial "La Maison d'Izieu"

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